I am mr.Subash Raj Upadhyaya ,permament resident of devdaha,Rupandehi,Nepal.I am writing to apply for a student visa top pursue for a student visa to pursue undergraduation in bachlour in business for 2014. with a impressive feedback from my seniours ,colleague,friends studying in Australia ,consulted with strudy abroad consultancies and while pursuing the internet extensively I gathered valueable information on the courses listed by you.This made me to choose  your ……,where I found the best course that I wanted.Also economically it was perfect as my parents can aaford the tuition fees and others .The prospect and learning in a one of the liable and diverse cities in the World.Now ,I would like to brimng to your notice about my understanding  of the applied program and my careear plan trhen after also,about my family background ,my educatiopn and work experience that makes as a foundation to pursue the program.


REGARDING ,MY FAMILY BACKGROUND IA M FROM AN UPPER MIDDLE CLASS FAMILY AND GREW UP BEING  TOLD TO ADD VALUES TO MY LIFE THROUGH  RIGHT EDUCATION.My fatrger is a bussiness  and he run his own bussiness .my mother  ia s homemaker as  well as teacher .i am only the son of my parent  with a one younger sister .

ABOUT MY EDUCATION AND WORK EXPERIENCE - I have completed my slc (school leaving certificate ) from green plant english boarding higher secoundary school in the year 2009.Then I went to sagarmatha english boarding higher secoundary schookl for my higher secoundary eduication and completed in 2011.After completiung intermediate I join to NASA Enterprises to work as an accountant from 2nd  december 2011 to 30th march 2014,to gain practuical knowledge accounting to ,my study.As broader my mind with work experience I felt that I have  to broad my knowledge  and get an internatiomnal exposure which is a pre-requisite to beacomethe best in my field which makes my dream come true .So I decidedd to do my bachlour from a reputed internatioonmal university,which  would help me to upgrade my career and give me plenty of employment oppurtunities at higher rank.

Thomas Friedman declared in his famous book that world has become flat with all the globolization and rapid development and todays world it does  not matter where one lives iof he or she connected to the world.I thinlk this is mostly true as I have sseen this case to be true in Nepal as well.Nepals eduvcation is still miles away  from being globally completitive .This is the one reason that compleesd me to seek for good education oppurtunities in Australia.The Australian eduvcation system  and degree is recognized internatioanlly fr its  effective  structure and the educational  institutions in australia  actively recruit field experts from various parts of the world to maintain irt.I also  found out the Austaralian  educator never compromised with quality and exceelence of education and it has one of the  worlds finest studenrt support system and a superb living environment .The qualification that I gain from Austalian through an exposure to a diverse completitive market will help me to enter  directly into career and comete in the market I opted to study in…after a careful consideration of my  available options.Before  finally setting  on….I looked into different universitiess of australia .i found  the tiution fees of…. More affordable compared  to those universities .I looked  despite being  equal  quality educatoion …has a  well earned  reputation for providing  exceptional  esucatiomnm delieved  By dedicated  professioanl  education  with practical and industrial experience .The faculty members of…..are  proffesionalls  with poractical and relevant industry experience its well researched curriculum and the highly competitive and practical teaching  methodologics will help to make me compititive in the internatioanbal market.I intrend to get an internatianally competative degree from your university.

I have always been interested in managemaent studies .I am certain that the education from Austalia offers me an  edge to develop my personal professsional and transferable skill that will equip me for a career in a rapidly  evovlving  bussiness environment and provide  foundationm for countinous  development  for these skills.By studying bussiness I will get an oppurtuinity  to investigute international and offer me to  access to the latest study material  and technologies that proposed cources demands .this programme is designed in such a manner tahgt it touches and goives in depth  knowledge in advanced internatioanl  and strateguic  prespectives with good combinbation of practical and relevant  knowledge tailored to the academics.I would also like to confirm  that I will fully abide by the Australian government laws throughout my study period.After completing the cource ,I will  return nepal and join busssiness hourse such as  choiufary group ,golchcn organiozation ,vaidhyas group of organization .I want to work for these companies since they pay very well.Besides ,the being a p[roffesioanl I will have  oopurtunities for part time jops as my which wil help me supplement my income.Hence ,I wil be able to save and invest as well.I will be able able to save  and invest as well.I will; be able to save and invest as well.I paln to establish myself as a well known profeesional and later on establishj asa educatioal institutaiaon providing completitive and equality education in nepal.Since I will need significant experience and finacial resources for this p[urpose .I intend to fulfill this goal in the stage of my life.


Finally ,I am hopeful that I will be abl;e to fulfill my dream of making a remnarable carrer in bussiness and a chancre to stuidy in Australia  will be crucial in helping me fulfill my dream.I bear the responsibility oftaking care of my parents .I most inhert certain properties from my parentys After successful completion of my studies and most importantly I have many dreams to materialize  in my home town.Besides ,I also have some responsibilities towards my family ,some respoinsibilities towards my family and society  which I must not forget.I am a genuine student with bonatide credentials for entry  as a student .I want to contribute my skills and knowledge learnt in australia to the development of my society and the natioanm as a whole.

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